April contacted me to schedule a session with her and her boyfriend, Chris. She wanted something in downtown Jonesborough. We met up there and they brought their dog, which I thought was really neat! I live in Jonesborough and every time I go downtown I always pass this house that has awesome wooden garage doors. So right before I met up with them I went to the house and asked the owner if it would be okay if I photographed in front of his doors. I was so excited when he said yes! Poor April had on heels and it was a hike from where we orginally had met up, so April I hope your sore feet think there are worth it! She was such a trooper! During our session one of the local restaurants had a live Cello player outside and we got to incorporate that into thier day. Thanks April and Chris! I cant wait to see you guys again!
Omg... I absolutely love the pics!! They look amazing and I'm so ecstatic to see the rest of them! Thank you so much!!
oh! I know exactly that garage door! I've always thought they were beautiful too! Where though is the picture about that? I LOVE the arches!
oops, I need to proof read. I meant to say the picture above, LOL.
Thanks! The picture with the arches is right across the street from the Storytelling Center in Jonesborough. :)
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