Laura called me on the morning of January 10th and told me that the doctor had admitted her and was going to give her some drugs to help get her labor started. I arrived at the hospital around 240pm and they had just finished giving her an epidural. Laura looked amazing! She had (as always) makeup and hair to the T! It wasnt long before she started feeling pressure and the nurse returned to check her. It was 400pm and she went to get Dr. May to deliver! I was beside Laura, camera ready! No matter how many birthing session I do, I am still amazed at how different each one of them are. Dr. May came in asked Laura to give him a half push and Reid came sliding out. I swear I wouldnt believe it if I hadnt been there! Laura was talking to me to whole time and I was clicking away! Crazy!! Laura and James thanks for letting me be there when Reid took his first breath. I am always grateful to see new life born into the world. :)
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