Friday, February 1, 2008

Meet baby Riley!!

Brandi called me and scheduled an appointment for this past Sunday to come photograph her family. I love walking into my clients homes because I always feel like we've been long time friends. Meeting Brandi and her family felt just like that! Riley had just woken up when I got there and we started taking pictures of mommy and Riley while daddy showered. I hope that I get to meet big brother Dylan this Spring or Summer! Thank you Brandi and Dallas for making me feel so welcome in your home and letting me photograph sweet Riley!


Andi said...

I saw your bulletin on myspace so I thougth I would check it out. You images are breathtaking, amazing and full of love. I can't wait to get married and have a baby so you can come take pictures for me. We should get together sometimes soon. I miss seeing you and your boys. Please give them hugs for me. Talk to you soon.
Love Ya,

Monica B said...

I just can't say it enough......I love your work! You are def. and inspiration!