I did Abe's newborn back in January and I was thrilled when Jessica called me to come photograph him again! We met at her parents home and when I saw Abe I about ate him up!! OMG! I couldnt believe his BIG blue eyes and long dark eyelashes. He has to be one of THE sweetest babies! He was in the best mood and was such a trooper. Jessica and Andy it was so nice to see you again! Enjoy!!
Amy called me and wanted pictures of Mia, Shawn and her family that was coming in from out of town. I love it when families get together and celebrate and have the great idea of calling me to come document that!! Amy your family was so warm and inviting! I loved playing with all the kids! I cant wait to see you guys again!!
Patty was my personal fitness trainer after I had Hudson. She was always so sweet and gave me a great workout. Her husband got a great job offer and they decided to move back to Knoxville. She contacted me and told me said was expecting and I was so thrilled for them. They drove up here for me to photograph her sweet little belly! I was so excited to see her! She looked so so good! Her belly was so cute and round. I wouldnt expect anything less from her personal training background. Patty, I hope you and Josh enjoy your sneak!
June 7th 2008. What a beautiful (and hot) day for a wedding! Tipton Haynes was an awesome location! There were so many neat places to photograph and for the wedding and ceremony setup. They even included the barn where they had the band setup! Kelly was gorgeous and Jacob was so handsome! The whole wedding party was so much fun! Zac came along and second shot again and Im so glad he did! My pregnant belly was starting to limit my ways I like to photograph. :) Kelly and Jacob thank you so much for allowing me to photograph and be apart of your special day!
I met Nash and his sweet parents at the Eastman cabins. It was a beautiful start to Father's Day! Nash had the sweetest brown eyes and the most loving aunt Ive been around! His mom and dad and aunt Julia were singing the sweetest songs to him and making him laugh and smile. I love it when families connect like that! Thanks Melanie for meeting me and allowing me to play in the water with Nash!
Sara is a super super sweet gal and her fiance' Stamper isnt that bad either! I was thrilled when she asked me to come photograph her wedding day. Her parents had already hired a photographer they had known for years, but Sara wanted some funky lifestyle photography too! Thats where I fit in! They got married at Emory and Henry college on a gorgeous Saturday in May. The inside of the church was absolutely breath taking! Thanks guys for allowing me to photograph your private day!
My husband cooked for me last night and he looked so cute in this apron I had to take a picture! Thanks honey for cooking me an awesome dinner! I LOVE YOU!