How much fun is it to walk around and get to enjoy your wedding dress before the big day? Just ask Kelly because she definitely could answer that question! We had such a great time today! Her mom and sister came along and where a delight! My good buddy Zac also came to second shoot with me. Check him out at Kelly thanks for being so daring in your wedding dress for your bridals, I hope you love these!
Reid isnt 4 months old yet and Ive already photographed him like 4 times! I LOVE it!! I couldnt believe how big he had gotten! I love this stage when babies are sucking and chewing on their fists and smiling and cooing. Reid was so so sweet! And Evan is such a sweet older brother. I loved watching him talk to him and sing him songs. Thanks Laura and James for letting me come visit!
Sullivan East had their senior prom on April 26th. I had a ball running around downtown with them and putting them in run down grungy places. Thanks you guys for thinking outside the box for prom pictures and incorporating me into your special day!!
Recently I took some pictures of my family and I thought I'd share. Normally my boys HATE it when I have the camera out, I guess because its always in my hand so I tried to be really discrete and take these...ketchup, snot, bugs, dirt, and all!!
Erika and Dan are so excited to be expecting! Laura threw her a babyshower today at Alta cucina in Johnson City. Erika was super cute in her black dress. She looked awesome! We all got a fabulous meal and yummy cake! Erika got a lot of awesome things for baby Clayton! We even had a toliet paper game to see how big around she was! Cant wait until July when he gets here!!
What a super SUPER sweet family! Jack loves playing sports so I couldnt wait to get him out in the yard to get some of him and dad tackling. Jack's smile and laugh are contagious!! Max was so calm and cooing and babbling and smiling! Even Grandma helped out with a little with a stuffed animal to get the family laughing! Thanks RIkki for allowing me to capture your awesome family!
I have the absolute bestest friends ever!! I know I say that all the time, but I really mean it. They took me to Carter at Main for my birthday dinner. If you havent been there you MUST go! They have a great atmosphere and delicious food! Check them out here: Jayne made me a really cute birthday gift! Its a money tree...