Um....where did December go? I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone and now my oldest son is THREE!!!I think this year is the first year Storm really understood that it was his birthday and that he got presents because every commercial that came on he said he wanted whatever it was for his birthday. It was so cute! We decided to have his birthday at Wacky Bear in the mall. What a neat little place that is! Storm loved going around picking out his bear, stuffing his bear, washing his bear and then naming it. Thanks to everyone that came and for his gifts! He loved his special day!
Tonight I went to my church's adult get together. It was a progressive dinner. I just love getting together with friends, especially if there is food involved! We started off at Jayne and Josh's home for appetizers, then we were off to Melissa and Tim's for dinner and finished off the night at Tonya and Jody's to exchange gifts. I had a really great time getting to talk to everyone that I normally get to just see and smile at at church. I had to leave early to go pick up my boys and didn't get to go to the gift exchange. I wonder who got my gift certificate for a free session??!! Cant wait until the next get together!
When Laura found out she was pregnant I was counting down the weeks until I could take her pictures! She has worked out this whole prenancy and she looks AWESOME! I have no idea how these pregnant woman keep thier weight down, I must have missed that memo! She came to me a couple of weeks ago and said, "If your gonna take them you better hurry up, cause I'm over it!" I scheduled her session for the following Sunday! I put her all over the place and had her changing outfits and looking back I probably wore her out! Laura thanks for letting me photograph you and I cant wait to photograph Reid's birth!
Melissa saw a birth announcement I did for another client and called me immediatley to schedule her newborn session. She was a week out from being induced and we scheduled her for this past Sunday. When I first got there little Brandon was sleeping soundly in his grandmothers arms. He was such a sound sleeper. I scrunched and molded and he just slept so sweetly. When I stepped into his nursery I fell in love with his bedding set, but I had no idea that Melissa had made (yes, with a sewing machine!) his entire nursery set! Let me just tell you it was AWESOME!! Greg and Melissa were so sweet with Brandon and I could tell within a few moments of being with them, that they are going to be great parents! Greg and Melissa, thanks for letting me capture your sweet, sweet family.